Click here if you would like to refer a patient to Dr Keith Baetz
General dental professionals, medical practitioners and specialists regularly refer to Dr Baetz for treatment of complex cases.
It is an essential part of our practice ethos that your patient receives the highest possible quality of ethical care. Our practice houses appropriate technology and equipment so that the best result is achieved comfortably and efficiently, without resorting to gimmickry. Our relationship with you and your patient is foremost and as such, you will be kept fully informed of your patient’s progress and we will thoroughly explain to them what to expect from their treatment and from us.
Following completion of your patient’s treatment, a report will be sent to you and we will advise your patient to contact your office for a follow-up appointment and continuing care.
Dr Baetz will of course always be available to discuss your patient’s needs.
Many dentists refer to Dr Baetz as they cannot spare the time to deal with complex or unusual restorative cases. From a patient perspective, referral to a specialist indicates you care enough to make sure they receive the best and most effective treatment available.
Click here if you would like to refer a patient to Dr Keith Baetz